

The beautiful nation of Malawi is a landlocked country in southeast Africa. It is known as “the warm heart of Africa,” for its warm, relational people. However, in recent decades the HIV/AIDS plague, which has caused excess mortality among a single parental generation, has given birth to a new nickname: the Orphan Nation.

This epidemic is killing a huge segment of the working adult population. It is estimated that 1 in 10 people in Malawi have the disease. The result is thousands of children orphaned and abandoned or sent to live with extended family or grandparents who are barely able to care for themselves. It’s not uncommon to see orphan-headed households.

The second crisis in Malawi is extreme poverty. Related to this is the fact that more than a quarter of all Malawians are illiterate. In 1994, the Malawian government established free primary education for all children. This increased attendance rates, but academic performance and secondary-school enrollment continue to be low. 

Ninety percent of Malawi’s population live in small villages in rural areas and make their living from subsistence farming. But environmental challenges such as extreme weather changes, ranging from drought to heavy rainfall, cause poor crop yields and widespread famine almost yearly.


Why We Serve in Malawi

  • Children are among the hardest hit from the country’s HIV/AIDS epidemic. Hundreds of thousands have been orphaned by the disease.
  • Because of limited access to medical care, children are suffering from treatable infections including bacterial and protozal diarrhea, hepatitis A, typhoid fever, and malaria.
  • About a quarter of Malawians are illiterate. Lack of proper education is holding children hostage in the cycle of poverty.
  • Environmental challenges that range from drought to heavy rainfall and flooding are creating poor crop yields, widespread famine, and malnutrition.


Children of the Nations' Involvement

ma_small_photo.jpgIn 1998, COTN Founder Chris Clark received a phone call from his father and mother who were serving as missionaries in Malawi. "You've got to do something for these orphans," Chris' father told him. "They are in desperate circumstances!"

Soon after, COTN began identifying orphaned children who were in desperate need of care. With the generous support of partners in the US and Malawi, COTN opened a Children's Home and founded three Village Partnerships to meet these children's needs.

Today, COTN's ministry in Malawi has expanded to serve more than 1,000 children. Through your generous support, COTN provides children and families in Malawi with food, education, medical care, Christian discipleship, job training, clean water, a University/Vocational Program for older students, and much more. Malawi also boasts two COTN farms, which grow food to feed the children in our care and to be sold as part of our sustainable development initiatives.


Village Partnerships:

  • Mtsiliza, an impoverished village just down the road from COTN's ministry center near downtown Lilongwe. (est. 2001)
  • Mgwayi, a village located right next to COTN's ministry center. (est. 2007)
  • Chilombo (sometimes spelled Chirombo), a rural village about a 45-minute drive from COTN's ministry center. (est. 2007)

Njewa Ministry Center:

  • International Christian Academy (ICA), a secondary school for children in COTN's care as well as fee-paying community children
  • Salima Village guest housing for Venture participants
  • Dorms for ICA students
  • Clinic for COTN children and students
  • COTN-Malawi administrative offices

Children’s Homes:

  • Chitipi Farm
  • Chichere Farm

Recent Updates

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Alinafe B.

Days Waiting: 312

Age: 18

Sponsor Me

Bashiri A

Days Waiting: 126

Age: 9

Sponsor Me

Chikondi E.

Days Waiting: 941

Age: 11

Sponsor Me

Jiness K.

Days Waiting: 505

Age: 10

Sponsor Me

Kelvin M

Days Waiting: 134

Age: 11

Sponsor Me

Keneth P

Days Waiting: 941

Age: 12

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Leah C.

Days Waiting: 828

Age: 10

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Lucy M.

Days Waiting: 834

Age: 10

Sponsor Me

Patrick L

Days Waiting: 589

Age: 12

Sponsor Me

Posha F.

Days Waiting: 897

Age: 12

Sponsor Me

Promise D.

Days Waiting: 195

Age: 7

Sponsor Me

Scott C

Days Waiting: 683

Age: 10

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Shamuzi N.

Days Waiting: 549

Age: 11

Sponsor Me

Favour M.

Days Waiting: 202

Age: 12

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Innocent K.

Days Waiting: 32

Age: 14

Sponsor Me

Steria J.

Days Waiting: 629

Age: 24

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Steven C.

Days Waiting: 673

Age: 27

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Abigirl T.

Days Waiting: 248

Age: 18

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Abudu J.

Days Waiting: 219

Age: 24

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Adam L.

Days Waiting: 529

Age: 11

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Adiyere K.

Days Waiting: 584

Age: 13

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Akimu C.

Days Waiting: 126

Age: 11

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Akuzike K.

Days Waiting: 147

Age: 4

Sponsor Me

Albert G. S.

Days Waiting: 409

Age: 18

Sponsor Me

Laptops for University and Vocational Students

Help provide laptops for University and Vocational students.

Malawi Big John's School Improvements

Malawi - Business Technical Institute

Malawi - Chichere Farm

Malawi - Mgwayi and Chilombo Center Kitchens

Provide safe, clean meals for children in a healthier learning environment.

Malawi - Njewa Campus Solar Phase 2a

Provide safe, reliable electricity for our children in Malawi

Feeding Children Today, Tomorrow, Forever

Provide food and sustainable farming solutions to feed children in Africa and the Caribbean

Int'l Development - Education Fund

Help educate children and equip them to transform their nations

Int'l Development - Physical Care Fund

Provide for the health and medical needs of children in Africa and the Caribbean

Int'l Development - Social and Emotional Care Fund

Help raise emotionally healthy children

Int'l Development - Spiritual Care Fund

Help fund spiritual care projects and bring Jesus' love to children in need

Int'l Development - Sustainability Initiatives

Our WARM (Water, Agriculture, Renewable Energy, and Microenterprise) practices focus on an integrated approach to sustainability.

Right Start - Nursery School

Right Start for our children

University Scholarship Fund

Help University/Vocational students to attend programs for professional development.

Provide School SmilePacks to equip our children Back to School

We need to ship 7,500 School SmilePacks to equip our students for the school year. And we can't do it without yo...

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Right Start SmilePacks

Interested in helping provide for needs of preschool children in Africa and the Caribbean? You can br...

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