Int'l Development - Social and Emotional Care Fund

Emotional Health and Poverty
Most of the children we serve at Children of the Nations (COTN) come from incredibly difficult backgrounds. Oftentimes, this includes extreme trauma, abuse, neglect, illness, and more.

Transforming Lives Through Emotional Healing
COTN deeply desires to raise children who grow up to become emotionally healthy adults, giving back to their society and ultimately transforming it!

Our goal is to raise emotionally healthy children who can integrate their past experiences into their lives, maintain connections with their communities, achieve lasting and meaningful relationships, and thrive in school and in the workplace.

To achieve this goal, we are developing culturally relevant training materials for our in-country staff on a variety of emotional health topics. We are also facilitating the development of partnerships with other organizations in our countries that can further equip our staff in their task to raise emotionally healthy children.

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Partner with COTN through Caitlin to support Social and Physical Care

Did you know that many of the most prevalent and chronic diseases of adulthood are rooted in children’s experi...

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