$411.00 raised ~ goal of: $25,000.00


$24,589.00 To Go



Interested in helping provide for needs of preschool children in Africa and the Caribbean?

You can bring a smile to a child halfway around the world! Include your group, or your church in making Right Start SmilePacks to have a real impact on the lives of children in need.


 It's so easy!

  1. Gather the needed items
  2. Assemble the Right Start SmilePacks.
  3. Enclose $5 per SmilePack (checks payable to “COTN”) to cover the cost of shipping and other program expenses.
  4. Return SmilePacks to COTN (see drop-off locations below).

Where to send your SmilePacks®

In the Northwest:
Children of the Nations
11992 Clear Creek Rd.
Silverdale, WA 98383
In the Southwest:
18345 Lime Kiln Road
Sonora CA 95370
Please call before delivery: 831-588-8057.
In the Midwest:
COTN, c/o Kids Fighting Hunger
11 Industrial Blvd
Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Please call before delivery: 320-203-1799.
In the Northeast:
COTN, c/o Let Them LOL
5205 Harris Hill Road
Buffalo, NY 14221
Please call before delivery: 716-458-0785.
In the Southeast:
Children of the Nations
735 Herndon Ave.
Orlando, FL 32803
Contact christinemanzo@cotni.org for more details
For questions or more information, contact: 
Dave Schertzer
Chief Resource Officer
Phone: 360-633-1621

Consider putting together Right Start SmilePacks as:

  • Individual or Family Projects
  • Service Projects for:
  • Boy & Girl Groups/Clubs
  • Civic Groups
  • Classrooms
  • Businesses
  • Church Groups
  • Mission Projects for:
    • Sunday School Classes
    • Vacation Bible School
    • Men’s & Women’s Groups
    • AWANA
    • Christmas Projects

How Do I Become a Right Start SmilePacks® Coordinator?
For more information, or to register as a SmilePacks Coordinator for your group or church, please contact us at SmilePacks@cotni.org.

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Paul A
Bremerton, WA

The Life of a Stateless Child

Published Fri, Sep 03, 21. Written by Kelly Flannery.

When the COVID-19 pandemic threw the world into chaos, many governments tried to provide aid and relief to their citizens. But what if you weren’t a citizen of any country?


Many of the children we serve in the Dominican Republic would have been left to face the pandemic alone. They are stateless.  


These individuals were born in the Dominican Republic (DR), but because their parents, grandparents, or even great-grandparents are from Haiti, they aren’t recognized as citizens.


In the eyes of many in the Dominican government, they do not exist.


That means more than 133,000 people in the DR don’t have access to any public services like education, medical care, clean water, or government aid. They can’t vote. They have no rights.


This keeps them in a vicious cycle of poverty that is nearly impossible to escape.




Imagine being told you don’t belong in the only home you’ve ever known. That you also don’t belong in the country your ancestors are from. That you aren’t worthy of the care and compassion the other people around you are shown. What would that tell you about your worth? How could you feel any sense of dignity?


In the DR, one of the most dire secondhand effects of the pandemic has been the food and hunger crisis. While Dominican citizens received food from the government, children and families who are stateless have not.


This affects many of the children that Children of the Nations (COTN) serves in the DR. About 50% of them are stateless.


COTN usually receives funding and meals to feed these children through the school system. But this support went away when schools closed during the pandemic.


Francisco, our country director in the DR, says that during the pandemic many of the parents weren’t able to leave their homes to find work—it seemed that there would be no way for them to feed their families. But “Thanks to [Children of the Nations], during the pandemic the children had food on their tables every day.”




Thanks to your generosity, not one child in the communities we serve has gone hungry during the pandemic. You helped feed 1,451 children and their families throughout 2020.


You also provided clean water, hygiene kits, medical distributions, health checkups, and more to keep children and their families safe during the pandemic. Without your help, the children would have no access to these resources.




The problems Haitian-Dominicans face are a big part of why Children of the Nations came to the Dominican Republic. Now, you are changing the lives of thousands of these children—children like Luisa.


Luisa grew up without any basic services. She could not dream of attending school—her community had none. “In the past,” she shares, “it was very difficult to study because we did not have a school and we were discouraged to study.” But that changed when COTN came to her community and built a school. Finally, Luisa could get an education and dream of a better future.


Now, she works as a teacher for COTN and is an inspiration to the children in her community. “Many children say they want to be like me in the future, a teacher,” says Luisa.




COTN also serves Haitian-Dominicans through our medical clinic. Because of this clinic, children and their families who can’t afford medical care are able to receive the life-saving surgeries, medicines, and treatments they need. Hundreds of surgeries are performed there each year through the help of visiting surgical teams.


Because of you, lives and communities have been transformed. But there is still much more work to be done.


The DR has been hard hit by the pandemic, and they had another severe spike of cases in June. During this spike, schools had to return to virtual learning, ICU capacity filled up, food prices skyrocketed, and some of the children and staff were infected. The challenges of this pandemic aren’t over yet.


But with you by their side, these children will have the physical, educational, social, and spiritual care they need to become the next generation of leaders. These children will know they matter, they are worthy of care, and they belong right where they are.




P.S. To help children in the Dominican Republic, donate to the Dominican Republic - Most Urgent Funding Needs fund.

Miracle in Malawi—A Modern Loaves and Fishes Story

Published Mon, Sep 27, 21. Written by Kelly Flannery.

Camp is a special time at Children of the Nations. It’s a time for children to play games, sing songs, do arts and crafts, and learn about God’s love for them. It’s where many children learn about God for the first time or commit their lives to Him. So, what better place for God to perform a miracle?




Francisco is our spiritual care director in Malawi. When he was planning for this year’s summer camp for the primary school children, he knew to plan for more children than usual. This was going to be one of the first community events after the pandemic lockdowns. We typically have about 500 children at our camps, so Francisco planned for about 800.  


But God had other plans.




About 1,800 children showed up to camp, more than twice what Francisco had anticipated. Francisco says, “Then we had to deliver the same activities we planned and not compromise any quality of our programming.”  


They had games and teaching like originally planned. Francisco then gave an altar call, and over 186 children gave their lives to Christ!


Normally, we hold camps on our campus, but this year we held them in the communities we serve. This meant children who normally couldn’t have attended were able to come to camp this year.


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It was then time to hand out food, but they only had enough food for the 800 children they had anticipated. How would they possibly be able to feed the 1,000 additional children that had shown up?


But after handing out food to 800 children, there was still more. They reached 1,000, and there was still more. They reached 1,200, 1,500, 1,700…all 1,800 children received food that day.


Francisco says it was a loaves and fishes moment. He had packed the truck with the food for that day himself, and he knew there was only enough for 800. But somehow all 1,800 children got something to eat.




In the book of John, Jesus has a crowd of 5,000 people following Him. He wants to feed the crowd, but all they have is five small loaves of bread and two small fish.


Jesus uses this small amount of food to feed all 5,000 people. “Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.” (John 6:11 NIV)


God used this same miracle to feed all the children at camp that day.


The theme of this year’s camp was, “I Can Do All Things Through Christ.” Francisco says, “Our emphasis was to encourage and remind our children that despite the season and time we are in where everything seems so impossible to achieve, they can still make things come to life again as far as they put their faith and trust in God.”


In this miraculous moment, God proved once again that anything is possible when you trust in Him.

Tribute to Mr. Samuel Ngoneh

Published Mon, Dec 20, 21. Written by Nate Hersey (former staff).


The entire family of Children of the Nations has been shaken by the tragic loss of our Sierra Leone Country Director, Mr. Samuel Ngoneh. Samuel was loved by the children and young people he served so sacrificially for the last 14 years, and in that time, he impacted the lives of thousands. He was loved by those he served with, who knew him as a true partner; a collaborator; an incredibly hard worker; and a man of faith, respect, and integrity, gifted with wisdom and humility. The sound of his laughter and sight of his broad smile would lighten the heaviest of moods. With the loss of the deepest friendship comes the deepest pain, and today, our hearts are broken.

Mr. Samuel Ngoneh joined Children of the Nations as a teacher in 2007. Samuel would later speak of a very specific sense of calling from God, but that calling was immediately tested when he arrived in Banta and walked down the narrow bush path to where the first teacher’s quarters had been built in this remote corner of Moyamba District. He questioned his decision, wondering what God was asking of him and why. But this was a doubt that lasted only until his first visit to the Children’s Home. At the Home, he met children who had been through desperate tragedies, which he could relate to from his own life experiences. That was when he understood the vision of Children of the Nations, a vision that would guide his service with our ministry from that moment right until the end of his life.

The loss of his father at an early age had a profound impact on Samuel’s life and character. Anytime he would tell stories of his life from before his work with Children of the Nations, you would hear of the beginnings of character traits that had become his defining features. You could see how his passion for education and the empowerment of women and girls was formed by seeing how his mother had struggled after the death of his father. In his story of assisting a village bakery in exchange for his school fees, you could see the forming of his incredible work ethic and sense of stewardship. When he shared his testimony of coming to faith at a Bible study in Freetown in 1997, you could hear the humility of a man who recognised that he had been graced with salvation by our Father in Heaven. When he talked about his years as a technician for electrical installations and refrigeration units, you could see the dedication to excellence in his work that ensured the trust of those he served with. Samuel began his career within Children of the Nations Sierra Leone first as Teacher, then Resource Coordinator, then to Centre Supervisor, promoted to Operations Manager, and then to Country Director. But in his story of coming to Banta for the first time, and not feeling settled until he had spent time in the Children’s Home, Samuel’s real heart for ministry and the compassion that would make him such an incredible advocate, such a passionate mentor, and such a determined leader, were seen. Samuel was always willing to share these often difficult stories from his life with colleagues and children in need of hope that real transformation is possible. This vulnerability and openness is another measure of the man and a key reason that his life has had such a profound impact on so many.

This year, under Samuel’s leadership, Children of the Nations Sierra Leone completed work on a five-year strategic plan. The twin focus on compassionate care for children and careful stewardship of all the resources God gives were developed by the entire team, but Mr. Ngoneh’s influence is clear. Samuel’s passions will continue to change the lives of children in desperate need for years to come. Samuel used to talk about how he would always be willing to serve at Children of the Nations as long as he would be given the freedom to preach the Gospel to the people of the surrounding communities. His work with Church of the Nations over the years has been incredible, as he often used his own resources and his spare time to bring up disciples in places like Ngolala and Jiminga. His love of these communities and the families of Upper Banta was a constant source of inspiration, and his work with community leaders was a model for others to follow. He championed issues of child protection at every opportunity and showed courage and boldness in the face of injustice and abuse. It is our prayer that others will take up these mantles and continue the work of bringing light into the darkness with the confidence that Samuel always clung to, knowing as he did that God goes before us.

From afar, we had the joy of seeing the relationship between Samuel and Alice blossom into one of love and respect and, in 2010, marriage. Samuel loved his wife, and in their partnership, they provided a beautiful example of a union that puts Christ at its center. Samuel was a loving father to Arlene and to Samuella and took such pride in them. He was determined that they would readily have opportunities that he'd had to suffer and toil to access. Alice, please know that we are mourning with you, that we are praying for you, that we wish to be here for you when you need us. Psalm 34, v. 18 says, “The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” It is our prayer that you will be comforted by the close and loving embrace of your Father in Heaven.

In a couple of days, we will celebrate Christmas and the hope that the coming of Jesus Christ gives to each of us. Samuel loved Christmas and loved making it special for the children of Banta. Every year, he would choose to celebrate Christmas with them and try to imagine how he could make it even more memorable than the previous year. It breaks our hearts that it is during this Christmas season that we have lost him. And yet, Christmas is the time when we are so powerfully reminded that God has a plan and how that plan rarely unfolds in ways that we would expect. The coming of Christ at Christmas set our salvation in motion, and for our dear friend Samuel, and all those who give their lives to Christ, this leads to the truth of Revelation 21, vs. 3-4: “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Samuel, your greatest impact was in the way you shared your life with others. It was in the way you challenged our faith. It was in the love you showed us, quietly and without looking for the praise of men. It was in one-on-one conversation, listening to what others had to say, sharing a joke and a story, encouraging those who needed it, meeting a need when you could, showing gratitude, and offering praise when it was earned. Our hearts are broken because we will miss you, and the world seems a harsher, lesser place without you in it. But we draw inspiration from your faith in the God of this world, and we know that you now bask in His almighty presence. You served with vision and faithfulness. And we will be together again.

May we all know the peace and comfort of our Wonderful Counselor at this difficult time.

Rev Chris Clark

International President, Children of the Nations International


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An Update on the Situation in Haiti

Published Mon, Mar 18, 24. Written by Kelly Flannery.

As vital members of the Children of the Nations family, we want to give you an update on the current situation in Haiti and ask for your prayers and support.

As you may know, Haiti has been experiencing years of civil unrest since the assassination of its president in 2021. Recently, the situation has escalated. Gangs united to overthrow the remainder of the government, releasing more than 4,000 prisoners and causing violence in Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince. Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry has announced that he will resign once a transitional presidential council has been created. Many families have been forced to flee their homes, seeking safety with very few safe places to go.

While the immediate area where Children of the Nations–Haiti serves has not been directly affected by this latest development, the situation has significantly threatened Children of the Nations’ operations and the families and communities we serve.

Here is a brief overview of the situation happening now:

 Children of the Nations’ preschool, afterschool, and the main schools we partner with remain open, providing a safe haven for the children. Children of the Nations–Haiti has implemented higher security protocols and continues to prioritize the safety of the children and staff. They are taking measures to plan for emergencies and ensure that our programs remain open daily to continue providing care, support, and meals to children.


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However, the unrest has made it dangerous and difficult for the staff to obtain food, gas, and other supplies. Because of the unrest, the prices of these essentials have spiked, and it is becoming more and more difficult for families to feed and provide for their children.

Within Children of the Nations–Haiti, our food budget has nearly doubled in the past two years, and providing nutritious food to all the children in our program is becoming increasingly more challenging.

Despite these challenges, let us praise God that the children have been protected from gang violence so far. Our incredible staff are ensuring that the children are receiving protection and nutritious meals daily with additional support for those with greater needs.

 As authorities in Haiti navigate this crisis, I urge you to join us in prayer and, if possible, to consider supporting Children of the Nations’ efforts.

Pray for:

  • Continued protection of the children we serve from gang violence.
  • The safety of staff as they travel and procure supplies.
  • Provision of food, gas, and other necessary supplies for the children.
  • Restoration of peace in Haiti.


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We ask that you prayerfully consider making a donation today for Children of the Nations’ food program in Haiti.

By making a gift, you will be directly contributing to the health and well-being of children during this critical time. Thanks to a match from a generous donor, any donation you make now to provide food to children in Haiti will be matched dollar to dollar and double your impact on the lives of children.

Thank you for your unwavering support and prayers. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children and families in Haiti during this challenging time.

P.S. Please give a gift to help provide nutritious meals to children in Haiti. When you give now, your gift will be matched by a generous donor and provide twice as much food to children in need.

 By Kelly Flannery, Lead Writer at Children of the Nations

The Transformation of Prince

Published Mon, Nov 18, 24. Written by Kelly Flannery.

Growing up in Malawi was not easy for Prince. He was not only severely affected by poverty but also filled with helplessness and hopelessness.

As a small child, Prince learned about God from his father, who was the pastor of a local church. Tragically, his father passed away when Prince was still a young child.

“When he was alive, he taught me about the goodness of God, His love for us, and His promises to protect and provide for us. [My father] introduced us to God at a very young age.”

After his father died, life became very difficult for Prince and his family.

“My two younger siblings and I wore torn clothes, walked to and from school barefoot, and often went hungry despite my poor mother’s efforts to make ends meet. No matter how hard she tried, things never seemed to improve. She had no other option but to see me drop out of school so I could help relieve her burden.”

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Prince in 2015

In the midst of this, Prince struggled to understand God’s power and goodness.

“More than once, I tried to take my own life, feeling useless and believing there was no future for me.”

 But Prince’s story did not end in despair. At fourteen years old, he joined Children of the Nations (COTN) in Malawi and found hope.

“Children of the Nations changed the trajectory of my life, lifting the yoke off my mother’s shoulders.”

Because of your generosity, Prince was able to thrive as he moved into adulthood.

“It gave me the opportunity to go back to school without worrying about tuition fees. For nearly half a decade, my mother no longer had to stress about where my school uniform and writing materials would come from. I received clothes, bedding, and food items, benefiting from their feeding programs.”

Surrounded by love and kindness, Prince’s relationship with God also began to heal. 

“Above all, COTN helped me reconnect with my Creator. The staff in Malawi became my family, supporting me through ups and downs as teachers and mentors and helping me grow physically and spiritually. They encouraged me to dream and make rational decisions to achieve those dreams, becoming a vessel to challenge and change my surroundings.”

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Prince today as a university graduate

This past year, Prince graduated from college with a degree in Christian leadership and business administration. Your support has helped Prince rise above hopelessness and become a nation changer.

“Today, I am optimistic about the future. I am equipped, charged, and ready to make a difference in my society and transform my nation. I am deeply grateful for the grace Children of the Nations extended to me. I feel indebted to my community and pray that God will use me to touch as many lives as possible, becoming part of their life-changing stories for His glory.”

Right now, there are many children just like Prince who are waiting for the opportunity to succeed. When you sponsor a child, you change their life forever.

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YOU can change the life of a child like Prince

Prince says, “Raising children who transform nations is possible, and it starts with you and me.”

Click here to SAY YES to a child today!


By Former Staff at Children of the Nations

Change Lives in Haiti This Giving Tuesday

Published Fri, Nov 22, 24. Written by Kelly Flannery.

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Giving Tuesday has always been an important day. It’s a global movement for compassion—a chance for us to come together to celebrate and practice generosity.

But this year, your Giving Tuesday gift might be more important than ever. That’s because your gift could help feed one of the world’s most vulnerable populations: children in Haiti. 

Haiti has been facing ongoing gang violence that has caused widespread fear, uncertainty, and displacement. The recent replacement of the prime minister and the temporary closure of the airport in Port-au-Prince highlight the worsening situation.

In the midst of this uncertainty, Haiti is facing an unprecedented hunger crisis, with the World Food Programme reporting that one in two Haitians is experiencing acute hunger. The armed violence has disrupted the distribution of food, and inflation remains devastatingly high, making it nearly impossible for many families to afford the food they need.

In this past year, the majority of the children we serve have been forced to flee their homes and are staying with friends or relatives in safer areas. While we are so grateful that every child has a place to live, staying with relatives can mean overcrowded homes and many mouths to feed. 

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The staff in Haiti are working tirelessly to make sure each child receives regular meals from our ministry, often putting their own safety at risk in the process, but they need your help.

This Giving Tuesday, will you help feed vulnerable children in Haiti? Your gift of $45 will provide hot meals for 30 children.

Your generosity makes a world of difference to each child who is touched by it. One child named Virgil* said, “When I go to eat at Children of the Nations, I am fed . . . If I were to thank Children of the Nations for everything they have done for me, it wouldn’t be enough.”

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By giving compassionately, you are showing these children the gracious love of God, a love they can carry with them throughout their lives. Charles*, one of the boys served by our ministry, said, “Jesus helps take care of my family. Even though there is insecurity in my area, He allows me to go to school, and He takes away anything bad from my life . . . When I am sad, He gives me strength to face life’s challenges.”

Will you come together with us this Giving Tuesday to help bring God’s hope and love to the turmoil in Haiti? Your gift of $45 will put hot meals into the stomachs of 30 vulnerable children.

To help feed a vulnerable child in Haiti today, click here.


**GOOD NEWS** Generous donors have come together to provide an $11,000 Giving Tuesday match, meaning every gift up to $11,000 will be matched, providing DOUBLE the meals for children in Haiti. Give now before midnight on December 3 to have twice the impact on children's lives.


*This child’s name has been changed for their privacy.


By Kelly Flannery, Marketing Writer at Children of the Nations

A Ray of Hope in the Darkness: Steven's Transformation

Published Wed, Dec 11, 24. Written by Kelly Flannery.

“I know what it means to have nothing . . . I know how it feels to be hopeless.”

Looking at the enthusiastic and accomplished young man Steven is today, it’s hard to imagine everything he has endured. At just thirteen years old, he lost both his parents—his mother died in his arms after suffering from anemia. He and his five siblings were now orphaned, and the eldest brother took over as their caretaker.

“Life was very challenging,” said Steven. Sometimes days would pass before their family had anything to eat. He shared one blanket with three of his brothers as each night they slept together on a mat on a wet floor. They lived in what Steven describes as a “dilapidated house” in danger of collapsing.

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Steven nearly had to drop out of school—his family couldn’t afford the fees. And even when he went to class, he could never make the most of what education had to offer. “Imagine a boy who did not eat supper last night. Can he perform in class?” said Steven.

Yet today, Steven’s life has utterly transformed. And that transformation started with you.

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Steven remembers back in 1998 “meeting a Good Samaritan” who helped rebuild his house, made sure his school fees were paid for, and gave him food, clothes, and more than just one blanket to share with his siblings.

“By this time, there was some ray of hope,” said Steven.  

This Good Samaritan was Children of the Nations, and these life-changing gifts—the ones that put Steven on an entirely new path—were only possible because of your generosity. “I remember the very first gift that I got from Children of the Nations was a 50-kilogram bag of maize because there was no food in the house . . . In Malawi, if you have maize in the house, you are rich because you are able to eat. So that was a very precious gift that I will never forget,” said Steven.

Something else changed in Steven’s life too: his relationship with God. “My trust, belief, and faith grew. I would go to Him whenever I had a need, or when I was happy, I would just tell God, ‘Thank you. Thank you for today, and thank you for the free gift of life.’”

When our staff step into the life of a vulnerable child, they do so with the knowledge that a true and total transformation is only possible with the love of God.

Today, thanks to the education and nurturing care you, our dedicated in-country staff, and the grace of God provided, Steven is now the CEO of his own business, Maximum Entertainment, which supplies music equipment in Malawi. Not only that, but he decided to come back and work for Children of the Nations as the Village Partnership Program Coordinator, giving back to the next generation of children in his community. “I know the challenges that these children go through because I have gone through the same, and I know how it feels,” said Steven.

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But Steven’s transformation didn’t stop with him—it has rippled out into his family and community. “I was born into a very poor family, but I will not die poor because I was supported. I am able to support my siblings and my family. My children attend good schools, and they are doing very well academically . . . My company has five employees, and next year we are planning to extend, and we will have twenty employees,” said Steven.

Last year, Steven’s oldest son, Mc Peterson, took the MSCE—Malawi’s version of a high school diploma—and ranked fifth out of 150,000 other students. He is a testament to the power of your compassion. A child who is cared for, loved, and empowered can become a family that is cared for, loved, and empowered.

“Thank you so much to all the donors that are partnering with Children of the Nations to make sure that the most needy children are reached with the support that they need,” says Steven.

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“And those who haven’t yet started to support or to partner with Children of the Nations, I want to encourage them because the need is so huge. Sponsor a child today, and it will make a difference.”

Will you answer Steven’s call and sponsor a vulnerable child today? As Steven’s story shows, change is possible, and it all starts with walking alongside just one child.


By Kelly Flannery, Marketing Writer at Children of the Nations

"I Am Proud to Be a Change Maker!": Hannah's Story

Published Wed, Feb 05, 25. Written by Kelly Flannery.


“I am proud to be a change maker!”

To understand the impact of Hannah’s words, you have to know where she came from.

As a child, Hannah lived with her grandparents in a village in Uganda. Their most basic needs—food, education, clothes, and proper medical care—were out of reach for their family. Her grandfather owned a small garden where he grew beans, cassava (a starchy root vegetable), and greens, but they only had enough food for one meal a day.

Hannah’s life in the village became so hard that she was brought to town to work as a babysitter. Working meant she was no longer able to go to school.

“It was really a tough journey in there because I could babysit all day long while the children of my age in that home would wake up to go to school. I’d wake up, and the next thing I knew, there would be a baby on my back as the mother of the home got her children ready for school. It was a very painful scene for me at that time . . . I felt my future was shuttered and nothing good would come my way.”

But life started to change for Hannah when she joined Children of the Nations at about nine years old.

She no longer had to stand by and watch while other children went to school. She was able to return to class and start working toward a better future.

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Hannah remembers that when she first started school again, she still felt weak physically and mentally. She felt she was behind the other students. “But after Children of the Nations gave me food, I became healthy and strong and therefore started performing well in my academics,” says Hannah.

This year, Hannah achieved something amazing and rare for her community: she graduated from university with a degree in public administration and management.

She says, “I want to make great impacts in my community by supporting in my capacity those struggling with the same challenges I experienced . . . I am proud to be a change maker!” 

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As a child living in poverty, Hannah had little hope her future could ever be better. But with the nutritious meals and education you provided her, Hannah has the power to create a better future not only for herself but her community. 

From a childhood in poverty to a change maker, Hannah’s story is just beginning.

P.S. To empower other children like Hannah with education, give today to our education fund. Transformation starts with changing lives, one child at a time.


By Kelly Flannery, Marketing Writer at Children of the Nations


Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Children of the Nations has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. Children of the Nations will attempt to honor gifts preferenced to support particular workers, but the final decision on the use of all funds rests with the organization.