



Interested in helping provide for needs of children in Africa and the Caribbean? Check out our various SmilePack options below. You can bring a smile to a child halfway around the world! Include your group, or your church in making SmilePacks to have a real impact on the lives of children in need.


 It's so easy!

  1. Gather the needed items
  2. Assemble the SmilePacks.
  3. Enclose $5 per SmilePack (checks payable to “COTN”) to cover the cost of shipping and other program expenses.
  4. Return SmilePacks to COTN (see drop-off locations below).

School SmilePack®


Provide children in need with basic school supplies to make their education possible. Download your customizable flyer here.

Watch the School SmilePacks video here.


Using a 2-gallon plastic zip-lock bag, enclose the following new items:

  • 5 composition books
  • 1 math kit (ruler, protractor, compass)
  • 1 package of colored pencils
  • 1 pencil box filled with the following items:
    • 5 blue/black pens
    • 5 pencils
    • 1 pencil sharpener
    • 3 glue sticks
    • 1 pink eraser
    • 1 pair of safety scissors

Hygiene SmilePack®


Provide children with toiletries to help prevent common illnesses and diseases. Download your customizable flyer here.

Watch the Hygiene SmilePacks video.


Using a 2-gallon plastic zip-lock bag, enclose the following new items:

  • 1 toothbrush (packaged)
  • 1 toothpaste (6 oz.)
  • 1 small pack of adhesive bandages (15-20 count)
  • 1 bottle of shampoo (12 oz. in a separate gallon zip-lock bag)
  • 1 comb/brush
  • 1 washcloth
  • 1 hand towel
  • 3 bars of soap

Bible SmilePack®


Give children the Word of God, providing spiritual guidance and encouragement. Download your customizable flyer here.


Using a 2-gallon plastic zip-lock bag, enclose the following new items:

  • A Bible (choose one):
    • English (NIV, NLT, RSV)
    • Spanish (NIV, NLT, RSV)
    • French or Haitian Creole (NIV, NLT, RSV)
  • Small Notebook / Journal
  • Highlighter
  • Pen
  • Bookmark

Let’s Eat SmilePack®


Provide children with vitamins and personal eating utensils for their daily meals. Download your customizable flyer here.


Using a 2-gallon plastic zip-lock bag, enclose the following new items:

  • 1 metal fork
  • 1 metal spoon
  • 1 drinking cup
  • 1 bottle of children's multi-vitamins
  • 1 plastic bowl
  • 1 plastic plate


NOTE: Please do not use disposable containers like Ziploc or Gladware for the bowl or plate.


Where to send your SmilePacks®

In the Northwest:
Children of the Nations
11992 Clear Creek Rd.
Silverdale, WA 98383
In the Southwest:
18345 Lime Kiln Road
Sonora CA 95370
Please call before delivery: 831-588-8057.
In the Midwest:
COTN, c/o Kids Fighting Hunger
11 Industrial Blvd
Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
Please call before delivery: 320-203-1799.
In the Northeast:
COTN, c/o Let Them LOL
5205 Harris Hill Road
Buffalo, NY 14221
Please call before delivery: 716-458-0785.
In the Southeast:
Children of the Nations
735 Herndon Ave.
Orlando, FL 32803
Contact for more details
For questions or more information, contact: 
Dave Schertzer
Chief Resource Officer
Phone: 360-633-1621


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Consider putting together SmilePacks as:

  • Individual or Family Projects
  • Service Projects for:
  • Boy & Girl Groups/Clubs
  • Civic Groups
  • Classrooms
  • Businesses
  • Church Groups
  • Mission Projects for:
    • Sunday School Classes
    • Vacation Bible School
    • Men’s & Women’s Groups
    • AWANA
    • Christmas Projects

How Do I Become a SmilePacks® Coordinator?
For more information, or to register as a SmilePacks Coordinator for your group or church, please contact us at


One SmilePack

Two SmilePacks

Five SmilePacks

Ten SmilePacks

Choose Your Amount

Donating through Children of the Nations is safe, secure, and easy.

Give the gift of stability.
Set up an automatic, monthly gift to:

One SmilePack

Two SmilePacks

Five SmilePacks

Ten SmilePacks

Choose Your Amount

Leader: Dave Schertzer

Phone: 360-633-1621

Email Group Leader

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Provide School SmilePacks to equip our children Back to School

We need to ship 7,500 School SmilePacks to equip our students for the school year. And we can't do it without yo...


Right Start SmilePacks

Interested in helping provide for needs of preschool children in Africa and the Caribbean? You can br...

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