How World Water Day Benefits the Children We Serve

No child should have to drink, wash their hands, or bathe in contaminated water. But in many developing countries—clean, safe, reliable water is often expensive or there is no source nearby. You can help change that!
Why is Clean Water so Important?
• In developing countries, about 80% of illnesses are linked to poor water and sanitation conditions.
• 829,000 people are estimated to die each year from diarrhoea as a result of unsafe drinking-water, sanitation and hand hygiene.
• Water stress and lack of sanitation disproportionately affect young women and girls who are often tasked with collecting water and preparing meals.
Investing in clean water is crucial in creating lasting change. The World Health Organization found that every $1 invested in clean water has a $4 return, meaning that when you give to clean water, you have 4X the impact!

How is that possible?

Clean water sources in a community benefit children by:
• Decreasing the risks of water-related diseases
• Improving health and hygiene
 Increasing local agriculture and helping to reduce hunger
Access to water and proper sanitation services is essential to the wellbeing of each child we serve.
Every child should have clean, safe, accessible water.
“Improved water supply and sanitation, and better management of water resources, can boost countries’ economic growth and can contribute greatly to poverty reduction.”
- World Health Organization
Give a gift to provide clean water during World Water Day, and remember, every gift to provide clean water has 4X the impact because clean water is about more than hydration.
Clean water access can help to end cycles of poverty. Clean water helps grow more food, decreases health issues and hospital visits, and improves the lives of the children we serve!
Ways YOUR gift will help keep children healthy and safe:
• Water filtration station for 140 children and their families in the Dominican Republic.
• A well for 300 children in a community in Malawi.
• Sanitation latrines for 150 children and their families in Haiti to reduce the spread of cholera.
• Handwashing stations for 50 children and their families to reduce the spread of cholera and other diseases in Malawi.
• A centralized clean water supply for 800 children and 100 staff members at a school in Uganda.
Give a gift to create lasting change. Give clean water today and see your gift have 4X the impact!