Uganda - Solar Expansion

$0.00 raised ~ goal of: $26,266.00


$26,266.00 To Go


The current solar power system on our Lira campus needs to be upgraded for the increased power needs of our schools, homes and clinic. 

Expanding the solar battery capacity for our campus-wide solar energy system (providing sustainable power since 2019) will provide the increased electrical loads for the growing campus, including lighting and kitchen power, power to run medical microscopes and lab equipment, power for increased water needs and the additional A-level classrooms.

Most of the batteries have been donated, allowing a reduced project cost to cover the remaining batteries, shipping to Uganda and the installation, along with reconditioning of the current batteries to extend their lifespan.

Thank you for considering an investment in solar power for our Lira Campus, serving hundreds of students in Northern Uganda.

CHECK OUT this video of our Lira Campus Solar System, providing sustainable energy since 2019.

World-Light-Africa-Lira-Uganda (1).mov from Munir Sayegh on Vimeo.

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