Malawi - Mtsiliza Toilets

$0.00 raised ~ goal of: $10,588.00


$10,588.00 To Go


The Malawi Mtsiliza Toilet Project aims to enhance sanitation and create an enabling environment for girls at the Mtsiliza Centre, particularly by addressing menstrual health management (MHM) challenges.

By constructing safe and hygienic latrines, the project will improve sanitation, increase school attendance, and support the overall well-being of children and staff.

Goals and Desired Outcomes

  1. Improved Sanitation: Provide 100 nursery school students and 400 Mtsiliza children with access to safe and hygienic latrines.

  2. Enhanced Girls’ Participation: Create a supportive environment for girls to manage menstruation with dignity, leading to improved school attendance and academic performance.

  3. Cost Savings for COTN: Reduce expenses on water-related diseases by promoting better hygiene practices.


Direct Beneficiaries:

  • Nursery School Learners: Access to safe latrines will improve their health and learning environment.

  • Remedial Class Students: Better sanitation will foster a more conducive learning atmosphere.

  • Girls at Mtsiliza Centre: Improved menstrual health management will reduce absenteeism and boost confidence.

  • Staff and Volunteers: A healthier environment will enhance their ability to support children effectively.

Indirect Beneficiaries:

  • Families of Children: Reduced incidence of water-related diseases will lower healthcare costs and improve family well-being.

  • Community: The project aligns with the government’s agenda for universal access to education and sanitation.

Why This Project is Needed

  • Current Challenges: Limited funds have hindered previous efforts, such as the WASH project, to address sanitation needs fully.

  • Indicators of Success:

    • 100 nursery school students and 400 Mtsiliza children will have access to safe latrines.

    • Improved attendance and performance among girls due to better menstrual health management.

    • Reduced incidence of water-related diseases, leading to cost savings for COTN.


The project focuses on constructing new toilets to replace the old, maintained facilities that are no longer sufficient. This approach directly addresses the immediate need for improved sanitation and menstrual health management.

Alignment with Strategic Goals

The project supports:

  • COTN’s 2022 Annual Plan Goal #3: Creating a safe environment for the growth, development, and protection of children.

  • Government Agenda: Promoting access to education and sanitation for all.

  • UNICEF Findings: Addressing the challenges of poor menstrual health management in schools, which contribute to absenteeism and poor academic performance.


  • Scalability and Replicability: The project can be adjusted in size and replicated in other areas with similar needs.

  • No Ongoing Costs: The project does not require significant annual operating costs, making it financially sustainable.

  • Community Involvement: The proposal has been discussed with VPP staff, Physical Care staff, and the COTNMA Technical Team, ensuring local buy-in and support.


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