To someone from the United States, the Algodón library may not look like much. It’s humble, a small building with bookshelves, tables, and chairs. But this library offers our children something they might not have otherwise: books.

This library is so much more than it seems—it's access to books for the children we serve!
Reading is an essential part of a child’s education. “Books change lives,” says Wendy Brown, COTN’s International Education Director. “Being able to hold a book in your own hands opens up a world of ideas and possibilities.”
Choosing a book can be serious business.
COTN wants to see a library in every school we operate. Our school in Algodón doesn’t have much space, and the library used to share a room with a classroom. Though the school in Algodón qualifies for assistance from the Dominican government in expanding, help from the government can take years of waiting. Our staff was eager for a library—so partners like you stepped in.
Your generous giving made it possible to build this library and to fill it with books. Thank you!

“When you open a book, you open a new world,” says Wendy Brown. Thank you for giving children access to whole new worlds through books!
And the library doesn’t have to remain this size. Originally, the plan was for the library to be the second story of an existing building. But after careful consideration, we opted to make an entirely new building on some land near the school. This means that we can expand the library over time, adding a second story when needed.
The library offers books in a range of reading levels. It is also a quiet place to read and study, which is especially useful for our older students. And someday, this library will house a computer lab for our students to get familiar with technology and research.
This library brings joy to so many children and students!
“Giving our children access to books through the creation of libraries in our schools helps equip them with the skills they need to transform their lives, their communities and their nation,” says Wendy Brown. “We are grateful to partners who join us in this important work.”
by Meredith Sutton, COTN staff writer