We're still adding up all your generous gifts through the COTN Christmas gift catalog, and all we can say is

"Thank you!" You've blown us away.



“I love my blanket because it’s [the] color pink, and it keeps me warm when it’s raining. Pink is also my favorite color,”
says Tikambe from Malawi.

If I didn't have my shoes I would hurt my leg," says Sharon from Uganda. "On the road, you can hurt your leg, and it will
stop you from coming to school. But I don't have this problem because [you] are providing shoes for me.”

Through our gift catalog, you gave more than

1,341 blankets to keep children warm

1,375 bars of soap to help children fight germs

33 pairs of shoes to protect children’s feet

488 children food for an entire month

And so many other life-changing gifts!


Thank you from Tikambe, Sharon, and all the children whose lives your gifts are changing!