$19,027.00 raised ~ goal of: $37,500.00


$18,473.00 To Go


Help provide Hygiene SmilePacks for the children in our communities!

Hygiene Smilepacks are crucial for preventing the spread of common illnesses and diseases in the countries where we serve.

$15 = A SmilePack for a child in need. 

Every Hygiene SmilePack contains 3 bars of soap, along with other hygiene essentials. 

Our goal is to give 5,000 SmilePacks to our children in Africa and the Caribbean.


Most Recent Donations

Nathan H
Port Orchard, WA
Lyla W
Burien, WA
Theresa L
Seabeck, WA
James L
Poulsbo, WA
Thomas B
Gig Harbor, WA



Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Children of the Nations has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. Children of the Nations will attempt to honor gifts preferenced to support particular workers, but the final decision on the use of all funds rests with the organization.